We just finished up our first part of our Bahamas Fishing Trip while on our way to Curacao. We spent the last 4 days fishing the North side of Cat Island which was a lot of fun considering I have never had any time up there to fish in the past. I love learning new places. The water was warm at 84 degrees all week which had us a little worried that the wahoo fishing would not be as good as we hoped. Turns out it was just fine! Haha.
We fishing 6-8 hours everyday and mixed up our target species daily. Day 1 we fished from Cape Eleuthera to the north side of Cat Island with just 1 white marlin bite to show for it when we trolled along the north side of the Bridge. Unfortunately we pulled the hook on that one. We did manage to end on a high note with 3 wahoo at the end of the day on the North Point of Cat Island.

Day 2 we started out doing some deep dropping for snapper and grouper in 400-800 feet of water. It was solid drop and reel action and we had great weather for it. Winds all week have been moderate to light out of the East. We caught what we wanted for dinner, but the sharks got all of our big groupers we hooked. We did a few hours of trolling and caught 2 out of 3 wahoo.
Day 3 we set out to troll hard, but there just wasn't much to it. We managed to get a double header of a white marlin and sailfish at the same time, and that was the most excitement we had for the day other then pulling the hook on a wahoo. We did a few drops for bottom fish to get some more dinner.
The 4th and final day was Thanksgiving Day, so we just gave it a few hours in the flat calm weather trolling and caught 2 wahoo and then bottom fished in 80-100 feet of water catching some rock hinds and few yellowtail. Awesome week of fishing and learning a new area, especially with the beautiful weather!