Fun day of fishing here today in the beautiful Dominican Republic. Here are the notes from today.
715 started fishing in 80 degree water in the Hot Dog area.
845 let a sailfish go. Came up on the long pink chain black with a black and red express over a ballyhoo chaser bait. Nice switch. Tried hard for the double but never got another nor did I see another.
1145 release white marlin off of flying fish chain with black/purple island pro chaser rigged with a mullet. Beautiful switch, fun and agressive on the teaser and the switch.
At this point we had trolled our way to the rocks.
1220 1-2 Mahi
1235 release white off of a left long naked ballyhoo.
200 1 mahi off of the left dredge switched to the flat line naked ballyhoo.
235 release white off of flying fish chain with black/purple island pro chaser rigged with a mullet. On the edge below and outside of 2 rock
330 ended the day 3/3 white marlin and 1/1 sailfish along with 2/3 mahi.