We have rounded out our season here in New Jersey and are preparing to head south for the Winter so we can keep fishing hard. We plan to pass through The Bahamas this Fall and stop for a couple weeks to do a little wahoo fishing throughout our travels south amongst those beautiful islands. Last year our season was cut short here due to the power cord fire creating a massive problem for us, but fortunately we fought back and EUPHORIA is better then ever and ready to get back to fishing hard year round throughout many locations. We are more amped then ever and thank everyone for their support and for fishing with us whether in person or through following us through social media.
After we finish up in The Bahamas we will continue our way South to Curacao with a quick stop to refuel in the Dominican Republic. Curacao will be home for us this winter for the months of January through April, and we look forward to spending some time in this beautiful Caribbean Island and fishing its pretty blue waters for Blue Marlin, Sailfish, and big tunas!!! Curacao has an amazing fishery as you can catch a grand slam there with or even a Super Slam (Blue Marlin, White Marlin, Sailfish, Swordfish) and who knows, with a lot of luck, maybe even get a spearfish for the fantasy slam... Yes, we dream BIG! The fishing for tunas there is incredible along with wahoo and mahi in the mix.
Once May comes around we plan to pass back through The Bahamas and fish a little on our way through and hopefully get into some of the Tournaments in the Abacos this season before heading to North Carolina for the Big Rock in June and finally back home to New Jersey for the Summer Season.
Be sure to follow along on here, on the CaptainsVlog on Youtube, and also on our Instagram @EuphoriaSportfishing and @CaptainRickyWheeler. We will also be getting back into the swing of our podcasts (The Saltwater Euphoria Podcast) as well.
