Here is a rundown of our last week of fishing various locations:
Sunday May 7
645 left Crooked to run 41nm to Flying Fish Marina to fuel up
815 arrival
1000 left long for rum
1130 fishing SE rum in blue 80 degree water with east winds 15-25 knots and seas 4-5’. Cold front moved in
1230 boated 40# yft on birds SE corner. Weather got super rough and near unfishable. Found a spot to deep drop and found some black snapper and yelloweye snapper for dinner.
Ran to Conception
630 anchored up for the night

Monday May 8
745 departed conception for Cat Island
ENE 20 knot winds
840 started fishing
850 jumped off small blue at columbus point
920 white on longs in the caves released
Mahi allllll day long. All you wanted! Awesome action!
Tuesday May 9
815 started fishing in blue 81 degree water out of Hawk's Nest Marina
ENE wind 10 knots
Lots of mahi again. Super thick!
1215 white release caves
More Mahi
Ended at 3pm
Wednesday May 10
835 started fishing. Lots of Mahi. Hawk's Nest
ENE wind 10 knots
1230pm right teaser flying fish chain with black and purple express and a moldcraft mackerel white marlin bait and switch for release.
Finished up at 145pm
Thursday May 11
830 departed Hawks Nest to run to northern Cat
1000 started fishing. 81.5 degree blue water and
NE wind 15 knots
1100 Nw point 3 Mahi chaffed off a blue and lost a tuna
1200 tunas and blue on teaser left didn’t get to switch
Lots of tunas but getting sharked on all of them
100 raised blue marlin but no bite
300 north of little San Sal blue marlin missed and then missed another after turn.
310 missed another blue marlin
500 anchored up on the Bridge
Fished til midnight and had scattered action with yellowtails and mutton snappers. Fun fishing!

Friday May 12
Started at 830 with 15-20 knot ENE wind on the southern bridge. 82 degree water and blue
1000 released white marlin off of left pink spreader bar and black purple iland pro
1015 released mahi
Caught some more mahi.
1200 departed for Nassau
