After a week and a half in Cat Island fishing a few days, the time quickly came to make our move South to Long Island. The fishing in Cat was overall slow for us with just a couple of wahoos and mahi to show for it. The sharks were relentless as were the barracudas. We woke up and left at first light and chugged our way south to conserve fuel here (which seems to be averaging $6/gallon). The weather was perfect and winds were calm.
We made a few passes on Tartar Bank, but it looked dead. We fished for an hour on the north end of Long Island with no bites. We continued to troll our way along the edge toward Flying Fish Marina when finally we had a school of mahi come crashing into our spread. We boated a double header then set back out and got a wahoo. Shortly after we got another wahoo on and we ended up giving half of that to the tax man and got the front half in the boat. Perfect! All we needed so we packed it up and got to the marina to settle in and clean up.
